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30th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2024) | Istanbul, Turkey | September 22-25, 2024

Congress Recordings

Congress Recordings are now available to all attendees through the Congress Webapp (

Program Update - Dec 15, 2023

Under the banner of Inform, Transform, Sustain TTS 2024 will facilitate a holistic and comprehensive exploration of the interconnected aspects of the field of transplantation.

About the themes:
  • Inform - encompasses updates on research, clinical practices, and technological advancements.
  • Transform - focuses on innovative techniques, new treatment modalities, and transformative approaches to transplantation.
  • Sustain - emphasizes long-term outcomes, ethical considerations, sustainability, and global accessibility of transplantation services.
The program offers delegates:
  • Multidimensional learning experience - Participants will explore scientific, clinical, ethical, social, and economic aspects of transplantation from various perspectives, enabling attendees to gain insights from multiple angles and fostering a broader appreciation of the field's complexities.
  • Synergy - Transplantation involves numerous stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers, patients, policymakers, industry professionals, media and advocacy groups. The integration of diverse perspectives and expertise will be a unique opportunity for participants facilitating the development of comprehensive strategies and policies to enhance transplantation outcomes globally.
  • Looking to the future - Participants will be challenged to think critically about the future of transplantation. The Inform theme ensures the dissemination of up-to-date knowledge, while the Transform theme promotes innovation and the exploration of new frontiers. The Sustain theme directs our attention to what long-term success looks like for the field, including ethical considerations, patient outcomes, and resource management. This forward-looking approach will inspire attendees to envision the future of transplantation and work collectively towards its realization.

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Abstract Session
Guest Speakers

New for TTS 2024!

This year, we are bringing a fresh and dynamic start to our sessions by featuring esteemed experts who will ignite the discussion with their insightful perspectives and cutting-edge research. These speakers are leaders in their fields and are sure to inspire and energize our attendees, setting the perfect tone for a day of engaging and thought-provoking presentations. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from the best in the industry. Join us as we elevate our abstract sessions to new heights!
Monday - September 23
Session: Liver complications & techniques
Surgical complications on liver - Nancy L. Ascher, United States
Session: Kidney Outcomes 1
Polyomavirus perspective from a pathologies - Binnaz Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Session: Organ preservatiion, pre-conditioning and IRI
B-Cell and biomarkers - Anita Chong, United States
Session: Advances in cell transplantation
Ethics in cell transplantation - Marwan Masri, Lebanon
Session: HLA histocompatibility
Donor microvascular culture assay - Medhat Askar, Qatar
Session: Sex & gender in transplantation
Impact of sex and microbiome on ABO antibodies - Lori J. West, Canada
Session: Kidney Transplant Management Challenges 1
Commercial kidney transplantation - social demographic challenges - Huda Al-Taee, Iraq
Session: Immune monitoring and Biomarkers
Novel biomarkers - Jonathan Bromberg, United States
Session: Surgical and anesthesia issues: Through a donation lens-then societal factors
Technique to reduce IRI - Henry Pleass, Australia
Session: Tackling global ethical issues in transplantation
What next for transplant ethics in the era of xenotransplantation? - Dominique Martin, Australia
Session: General infectious diseases 1
RSV Vaccine - Camille N. Kotton, United States
Session: Kidney: ABO incompatibility, HLA and Donor Characteristics
ABO-incompatible Living Kidney Transplantation - Kazunari Tanabe, Japan
Session: Immunoregulation, tolerance and other topics
Infectious tolerance - Megan Sykes, United States
Session: Maximizing deceased donation
Overview of donation after medical assist in dying (MAID): The Canadian experience - Matthew Weiss, Canada
Tuesday - September 24
Session: Transplant immunosuppression 2
Immunosuppression in kidney Tx for children - Esra Baskin, Turkey
Session: Biomarkers and immune monitoring
Tracking the effectors of allograft rejection - Alexandra Sharland, Australia
Session: Allocation and utilization
Maximizing deceased organ donation in the Middle-East - Katayoun Najafizadeh, Iran
Session: Heart transplantation
Heart Xenotransplantation - Robert Montgomery, United States
Session: Patient centered care in Tx
Patient centered care in Tx - Lorna Marson, United Kingdom
Session: General Infectious Diseases 2
An emerging issue: Carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae in solid-organ tx - Hande Arslan, Turkey
Session: Cutting-edge of VCA transplantation
The world’s first combined face and whole-eye transplant: Technical aspects, surgical underpinnings, and 1-year outcomes - Bruce Gelb, United States
Wednesday, September 25
Session: Kidney Pre-Transplant Management
Cardiac screening pre-transplant - Steven J. Chadban, Australia
Session: Kidney Transplant - Donor and Recipient Issues
The US model of continuous distribution of donated organs: Better or worse - Matthew Cooper, United States
Session: Novel therapeutics and immunosuppression strategies 2
Microbiome modification for immune regulation - Maria-Luisa Alegre, United States
Session: Kidney Post-transplant Management Issues
Kidney Post-transplant Management Issues - Mohammad Ghnaimat, Jordan
Session: Kidney Outcomes and Complications 2
Rejection post-transplant - Faissal Shaheen, Saudi Arabia
Session: Ethics in organ donation
Improving deceased organ donation among muslim living globally - Riadh Fadhil, Qatar
Session: Predictive model in transplantation
Predicting kidney allograft rejection using blood biomarkers: a prospective multicenter unselected cohort study (EU-TRAIN) - Valentin Goutaudier, France
Session: Pediatric transplant 2
Kidney failure in Middle-Eastern pediatric population - Hala Wannous, Syrian Arab Republic
Session: Lung Transplantation
Lung preservation technique - Shafique Keshavjee, Canada

TTS Congress Receives
CVS Compliance

We are proud to announce that the TTS 2024 Congress has been recognized as compliant by the Conference Vetting System (CVS) and e4ethics. This recognition underscores our commitment to transparency and ethical standards in medical education.

Thematic Session Speakers

Thematic Session Speakers

Our inaugural lineup of Thematic Session speakers represents the forefront of transplantation research and practice. Engage with trailblazing minds, gain insights, and explore cutting-edge advancements in the field. Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity at TTS 2024!
Monday - September 23

Monday - September 23

15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Genetics in precision medicine
Genetics for precision medicine in transplantation
Shane T Grey, Australia
Biopsy transcriptomics for diagnosis and research
Jasper Callemeyn, Belgium
Identifying operational tolerance
Sophie Brouard, France
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Promises of big data and AI - facts or fiction?
Machine learning model for outcome prediction
Nancy Kwan Man, Hong Kong
Application of AI in transplant pathology
Weijia Zhang, United States
Developing transplant registries in LMIC and MIC
Adisorn Lumpaopong, Thailand
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Uterus-transplantation: Where are we now
10 years after the first successful uterus transplant: How will the teenage years look?
Mats Brannstrom, Sweden
Ethical guardrails in uterus transplantation
Anji Wall, United States
Uterus-specific aspects of alloimmunity and immunosuppression
Paige Porrett, United States
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Clinical trials design and end-points in transplantation
Innovative trial design in transplantation
Andrea Viecelli, Australia
The Parsons Model - ethical implications of research involving those determined dead by neurological criteria
Jayme Locke, United States
Trials in immunosuppression/Long term in kidney transplantation
Roslyn B. Mannon, United States
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Organ utilization - do we need to challenge each other to do better?
The promise of equity in a deceased donor allocation system
Chris Callaghan, United Kingdom
Strategies to improve non-utilisation rates of deceased donors
Sumit Mohan, United States
Reducing the risk of donor transmitted disease
Beatriz Dominguez-Gil, Spain
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Life participation and living well after transplantation
Living well after transplantation
Bill Wang, Hong Kong
Work, life, and sex after transplantation
Louise Lerminiaux, Costa Rica
Prehabilitation into transplant and beyond
Marieke Vandecruys, Belgium
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Pancreas and islet
Beta cell replacement (whole pancreas, islet and cell transplantation) within the treatment landscape of type 1 diabetes
Braulio Alejandro Marfil-Garza, Mexico
Deciphering the immunological enigma of allo-beta cell transplantation: Addressing unresolved questions and embracing the frontiers of knowledge
Lorenzo Piemonti, Italy
Tuesday - September 24

Tuesday - September 24

15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Advances in antibody assessment
ABO antibodies - future perspectives
Lori J. West, Canada
Advances in AB detection: From Luminex to Eplets and more
Cynthia Kramer, Netherlands
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Equity and access to transplantation
Risks to equity in organ allocation introduced by AI
Mamatha Bhat, Canada
Disparity in access to solid organ transplantation
Lungiswa Mtingi-Nkonzombi, South Africa
Sex and gender disparities in transplantation access
Bethany Foster, Canada
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Reproductive care - General
Gestational outcomes for transplant recipients: A focus on fetal health
Margriet FC de Jong, Netherlands
Impact of pregnancy on graft function in kidney Tx
Marleen van Buren, Netherlands
Reproductive planning - why & how
Shilpanjali Jesudason, Australia
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Cellular therapies
Dendritic cells - insights from clinical trials
Angus W Thomson, United States
CAR-Treg optimization
Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, United States
Adoptive t-cell therapy for infections
Patrizia Comoli, Italy
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Organ perfusion and preservation
Novel delivery of cellular therapy to reduce ischemia reperfusion injury in kidney transplantation
Emily R. Thompson, United Kingdom
Ex-situ machine perfusion (heart, liver, kidney) (standard, oxygenated, hypothermic, normothermic)
Gabriel Oniscu, Sweden
Erik Finger, United States
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Dealing with post-transplant complications
De novo malignancy post-transplant
Naoka Murakami, United States
What's new in vaccines?
Andrew Karaba, United States
Managing post-transplant metabolic disease
Wai Lim, Australia
15:40 - 16:40 Thematic Session: Kidney transplant surgery
The best way to procure live donor kidneys: Robotic vs. laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
Chandra Bhati, United States
Robotic renal transplantation: State of the art
Sangil Min, Korea
Robotic renal transplantation: A niche approach for selected patients or the future surgical approach for all?
Timucin Taner, United States
Wednesday, September 25

Wednesday, September 25

15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Surfing the big data wave
Patient centred outcomes measures
Nicole J Scholes-Robertson, Australia
Genomics strategies to redefine histocompatibility and risk stratification
Sophie Limou, France
Is AI better than human in predicting post-transplant outcomes?
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine in cardiology
James Chong, Australia
Overcoming senescence to improve transplant outcome
Anette Melk, Germany
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Patient-centered care
Ready-Steady-Go/A blueprint for health care transition in Europe?
Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
The therapy in wellness, movement and community
Liz Schick, United Kingdom
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Normothermic regional perfusion (A-NRP and TA-NRP)
Implications of NRP and especially TA-NRP for death determination
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
The surgical approach - the US perspective
Anji Wall, United States
The surgical approach - the Spanish perspective
Alicia Pérez, Spain
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Infection complications in transplantation
1 Climate change and Infection - how it affects transplantation
Ilan Schwartz, United States
2 COVID-19 infections and impact on transplant outcomes in the Middle-East
Sibel G. Gocay Bek, Turkey
3 Recurrent UTI in solid organ transplant recipient
Deepali Kumar, Canada
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Minimally invasive recipient surgery: The future is here (Liver)
How far can we expand the indication of Robot-assisted LDLT?
Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
Which is better for graft extraction/insertion? Upper midline incision vs, Pfannenstiel incision
Mohamed Rela, India
Which is better for graft explant and/or graft implantation? Laparoscopic vs. Robot Assisted
Kwang-Woong Lee, Korea
15:25 - 16:25 Thematic Session: Xenotransplantation’s regulatory road to the clinic
History of Xenotransplantation and moving to clinical practice
Wayne Hawthorne, Australia
WHO leadership in developing global strategies for xenotransplantation
Efstratios (Stratos) Chatzixiros, Switzerland
Moving forward to ensure continuing registration of clinical Xenotransplantation
Leo Hans Buhler, Switzerland
Times listed are in the Istanbul time zone. Visit the WebApp if you are attending virtual to see your local time.

Educational Workshops

Engaging and interactive sessions!

Engaging and interactive sessions that encourage active participation from attendees. This can include panel discussions, Q&A sessions, cases discussions, and opportunities for audience engagement.Educational Workshop
Monday - September 23

Monday - September 23

10:40 - 12:15 Educational Workshop: Registries, databases and repositories for developing artificial intelligence in transplant care
SRTR (Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients)
Allan B. Massie, United States
CORR (Canadian Organ Replacement Register)
Sang Joseph Kim, Canada
CTS (Collaborative Transplant Study)
Klemens Budde, Germany
ANZDATA (Australia & New Zealand Dialysis & Tx Registry)
Georgina Laura Irish, Australia
ASTREG (Asian Organ and Transplantation Registry)
Curie Ahn, Korea
13:40 - 15:10 Educational Workshop: Transplanting the Highly Sensitised patient
Defining highly sensitisation: defining immunological risk
Oriol Bestard, Spain
Role of more sensitive HLA matching: Eplet mismatching in HSP
Rainer Oberbauer, Austria
Delisting strategies to transplant HSP
Annette M. Jackson, United States
New pharmacological agents to treat AMR in HSP
Enver Akalin, United States
Case Discussion 2
Trijntje Rennie, United Kingdom
13:40 - 15:10 Educational Workshop: Teaching the transplant teachers
Who, or what, is a transplant educator?
Ala Ali, Iraq
Curriculum design for international courses
Chloe Ballesté Delpierre, Spain
How to set up a train the trainer program
Shilpanjali Jesudason, Australia
Bill Wang, Hong Kong
Pisana Ferrari, Italy
17:00 - 18:30 Educational Workshop: The Big Idea - Using data to drive transformational change
Access to transplantation - Global survey
Marcelo Cantarovich, Canada
Lessons from Latin America
Gustavo Ferreira, Brazil
Knowledge to action in India
Vivek Kute, India
Outcomes of children with kidney failure - Is transplantation an option?
Gloria Ashuntantang, Cameroon
Tuesday - September 24

Tuesday - September 24

08:00 - 09:15 Educational Workshop: Enhancing outcomes: BK and CMV guidelines after solid organ transplantation
Navigating BK guidelines: A roadmap for solid organ transplantation
Camille N. Kotton, United States
Empowering transplant teams: CMV guidelines for optimal patient care
Atul Humar, Canada
10:40 - 12:10 Educational Workshop: TTS-ISN workshop on accessibility & sustainability of kidney transplant care
Use of expanded criteria donors (high risk donors) from a global perspective
Deidre Sawinski, United States
Global issues relating to kidney disease and access to Tx
Vivekanand Jha, India
Kidney care and ethical framework in Africa (related to Tx)
Yewondwossen Tadesse Mengistu, Ethiopia
10:40 - 12:10 Educational Workshop: What's new in living donor liver transplantation
Perioperative imaging assessment of liver function, anatomy & detection of complication in living donor LT
Jeong Hee Yoon, Korea
Surgical tips in laparoscopic donor hepatectomy
Qiang Xia, People's Republic of China
Surgical tips in robot-assisted donor hepatectomy
S. Sudhindran, India
How to overcome graft size matching issue in pediatric liver transplantation
Nam-Joon Yi, Korea
13:30 - 15:30 Educational Workshop: Machine Learning - Technical
Multi-omics integration in transplantation
Jean Yang, Australia
Machine learning - A primer
Valentin Goutaudier, France
Understanding causal inferences in transplantation
Armando Teixeira-Pinto, Australia
Machine learning to predict transplant outcomes: Helpful or hype?
Dorry Segev, United States
15:40 - 16:40 Educational Workshop: Transition of solid organ recipients into adult medicine - A success story?
Patient perspective (after transition)
Karsten Vanden Wyngaert, Belgium
Panel discussant
Carl Grabitz, Germany
Panel discussant
Arvind Nagra, United Kingdom
16:50 - 18:30 Educational Workshop: Truth and lies in living donation
Introduction to the session
Rümeyza Kazancıoğlu, Turkey
Alibis for unwilling donors – why and how these may be necessary
Carrie Thiessen, United States
Misattributed parentage or trafficking in living donation? – to disclose or not to disclose
Ercan Avci, United States
The leaky sieve of organ trafficking – how protective measures may be circumvented
Benita Padilla, Philippines
Times listed are in the Istanbul time zone. Visit the WebApp if you are attending virtual to see your local time.

Post-Graduate Course

Sunday - September 22

Sunday, September 22

08:00 - 10:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC joint - The leading edge
ChatGPT and AI in academia - good, bad or ugly?
Germaine Wong, Australia
Xenotransplantation - genes to surgery
Robert A Montgomery, United States
Machine learning for clinicians
Olivier Aubert, France
Bioinformatics explained for clinicians
Jean Yang, Australia
10:30 - 12:30 Post-Graduate Course: PGC clinical - Optimizing donation
Deceased donor selection and allocation
Beatriz Dominguez-Gil, Spain
Voluntary assisted dying in organ donation
Alicia Pérez, Spain
Understanding eplets/immune matching
Ankit Sharma, Australia
Donor Trial Design
Dan Harvey, United Kingdom
10:30 - 12:30 Post-Graduate Course: PGC basic - Not so basic research
Genetic engineering in transplantation
Xunrong Luo, United States
Advances in organ preservation
Marwan Masri, Lebanon
Tissue engineering and its potential in transplantation
Timothy Pennel, South Africa
Translational research: Bench to bedside pathway
Natasha Rogers, Australia
13:00 - 15:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC clinical - Barriers to long term success
ABMR - treatment options in 2024
Carmen Lefaucheur, France
GN recurrence after transplantation (or VCA transplantation)
Leonardo V. Riella, United States
Key cardio-metabolic health considerations transplantation
Abhijit Naik, United States
Machine perfusion strategies and updates
Stefan Schneeberger, Austria
13:00 - 15:00 Post-Graduate Course: PGC basic - Immunological barriers
Understanding methods in HLA matching
Cynthia Kramer, Netherlands
Transplant immunology: T cells for therapy in SOT
Fadi Issa, United Kingdom
Transplant immunology: cytokines in solid organ transplantation
Christophe Legendre, France
Dysregulated Immunometabolism in transplantation
Nancy Kwan Man, Hong Kong